World Domination Corporation(TM)

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"Liberty has restraints but no frontiers."
- Lloyd George

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The Earth, as we step into this new millennium, is in a sorry state indeed. The bright future expected, and promised to us by the governing authorities of the world, never came to be. These times should be times of plenty, where all people are treated equally and fairly, where there are no wars and there is a general end to suffering, intolerance and unfairness. Instead, we have toxic pollution that is killing our planet, mass-starvation, atrocities committed on an almost daily basis and anguish on a massive scale. On average, governments spend around 0.1% of your money on feeding starving people in impoverished countries, compared with the billions and billions they spend annually on military armaments to maim and kill yet more people worldwide (while this keeps the arms-dealers in expensive suits, it does little to address the issues of global instability Presidents claim to be concerned about). It is a sad indictment when you consider that, for the price of 1 single fighter jet, the entire population of a large country could be fed for a year. Furthermore, it has been calculated that if the U.S. Military was stopped running for ONE SINGLE DAY, every single human being on the planet could be kept well-fed for a whole year. Apparently, the ability to cripple and destroy others (as exemplified by the atom-bomb, which the U.S. had no qualms about using on two Japanese cities) is considered as far more important than stopping a few million people dying an agonizing death of starvation or disease. Refusal to eliminate world debt is another example of their sheer greed and desire to keep other nations cowed and poor, while the fat-cats get yet fatter on the misfortunes of their fellow man.

We at the WDC believe it is time for a change.

What we propose is the unification of Planet Earth under one World Government. We foresee a future that truly can be bright; a future where every man, woman and child is treated with dignity; a future where education is considered a basic human right, not just a privilege for the rich; a future where no-one will go without food or basic resources. We have a vision of a world where it is no longer neccessary to spend billions upon billions of dollars developing new, hideously lethal technologies to oppress other members of our own species. We realize that the only possibility of a stable planet for our children - and their children - is one where all countries cooperate and work together for the good of the planet, instead of cynically funding policies aimed at trying to obliterate each other.

We advocate economic de-centralization, while allowing all peoples the basic right to maintain their own unique identities and cultures. We propose a policy of mass decommissioning of military structures (who all oppose each other anyway) to be replaced with one single peace-keeping force to maintain stability and order across all continents. Instead of endless territorial battles, and perpetual bloodshed, we put forward a policy of enforced World Peace.

Our vision of the world also includes an end to crime. An end to the NEED for most crime, in fact. While crime springs, on the one hand, from greed, it also springs from poverty. Most common criminals tend to be poor. Thus they steal. In the environment of plenty we propose, in a world where nobody falls below the poverty line, there will be little need to steal. Those who do so anyway (the purely greed-motivated criminals) will be punished. We will put much of our resources into clearing up the streets and ridding them of crime. "In-grown vice", as Charles Dickens put it, will become a thing of the past. As for rapists, serial-killers, habitual pedophiles and other people who fall into the general category of committing motiveless hate or sex crimes: well... until technology and the science of psychology can come up with an adequate form of rehabilitation, these sinister individuals will be dealt with harshly. Even worse "people" such as genocidal dictators and oppressors of whole populations will be dealt with VERY harshly indeed - the cruel and sadistic abuse of power is the worst type of crime we have yet known.

Political corruption will be eradicated, to the greatest extent possible. Unification will do much towards this end on it's own, but we will also implement further policies to ensure it never rears it's ugly head again.

We will also pursue an aggressive policy of re-cycling and cleaning up the pollution that clouds our skies. Run-down areas filled with litter and filth will simply be replaced - funding will easily allow for this, so great are the potential savings due to decommissioning. If things go on the way they are going, the extinction of the human race might be a very real possibility. Pollutants that we pump into our atmosphere, are, in a very real sense, killing the planet. The air we breathe is on it's way to becoming unbreathable. If our planet "dies" before we are able to colonize elsewhere, we (and all Earthly life) will die out with it.

With the endless billions of dollars saved by cutting the need for destructive instruments of death, not only will we be in a position to feed the world (literally... you can do the calculations yourself) we will also have huge sums left over after that. These funds can be used to vastly improve our transport systems, bring third-world countries up to the status of first-world countries, create/streamline a thriving, competitive world economy and increase scientific research. Science and technology will a top priority of the New World Government. To paraphrase the genius Prof. Stephen Hawking, one day, through science, we may even come to know the mind of God. Things previously considered as only science fiction, such as the Terra forming and colonization of other planets, will become a reality. The hopes and dreams of our species will be made flesh. We may, for example, discover the origin and purpose of not only life itself, but that of the vast and amazing universe we find ourselves in. From the exploration of our universe to the curing of cancer and all other diseases - all of this is realistically possible under the system we suggest and intend to implement.

At WDC we realize our hope may never come to pass. Getting elected on a purely democratic basis worldwide is, quite frankly, impossible. There are too many people who have good reason for keeping the world in the pathetic state of despair it is now in (because, due to their parasitic nature, they profit from the pain, poverty and death of those around them). I include the current administration of the U.S. and the governments of the other most powerful countries in my last statement; these very politicians, who are meant to be an example to the rest of us, are the sleaziest bunch of hypocrites and liars to be found outside criminal circles. Such reasons prevent us fighting on a fair and even playing-field.

Our means of attaining our goals are more... covert. Much of our work will be deeply undercover. We intend to use operatives to infiltrate all main political parties, and influence them from within. We intend to have WDC agents in key positions inside many structures of power, even some that are polar-opposite in nature, across the globe. America is obviously one of our prime targets, because it is the most powerful country on the planet. In the U.S., some of our potential targets for infiltration include the FBI, CIA, NSA, the military and the Senate. Elsewhere in the world, we are aiming at the equivalent structures. In this way, we are able to play these power-constructs and regimes like chess-pieces to gradually move towards our vision of the future. In other words, by using these insidious tactics, we will play them at their own game.

This is where people like you come in.

Do you think you have what it takes to be a WDC operative? Have you any skills at all that can aid our cause? We are not just looking for WDC infiltration agents; do not be intimidated by the scale of our operation; we need people of every type of occupation and skill-level to help us in ways too numerous to list here. Can you help? Perhaps you wish to help us in a monetary context. Our goal makes all other charities obsolete, because our goal means an end to basically all strife. Whatever you are willing to invest, be it a few hours weekly of your time or a dollar from your pocket, you will have aided the most noble cause you ever possibly could. We are also interested in more serious, full-time members who will become highly esteemed employees of our corporation. Whatever it is that you can do to help us, please contact us. You really can be instrumental in bringing about a better future for everyone. You really CAN make a difference if you work with the WDC. Make the decision today, and live with a clearer conscience tomorrow. Time is running out. If you do not act, you will be instrumental in maintaining the status-quo. As the old advertisement used to say: if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.

To the serious members of WDC:

A highly motivated and disciplined minority can change the course of history. It has happened before. In fact, it has seldom happened any other way. We have every reason to fight, and no incentive whatsoever to give in, for the loss of our goal means the loss of everything we have dreamed and hoped for. The struggle itself will make us strong!

Written 9/3/2000.

By Matt Treyborne, founder of the WDC.

World Domination Corporation: The ONLY Solution.

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