"There's a big storm coming. This world better get ready for a lot of changes."
- Anon
Site News...
by Matt Treyborne
This is the new website for the World Domination Corporation. At Present,
this is little more than the general layout. Most of the links will not work yet. Depending on when you're reading this, none of them may work, in fact.
Please be patient. Check back here later. Every time you access the site, more of the links and features will probably be working. Try some now, to see
which are working and which are not. As I type this, I have finished the "about us" section (offline) and have started on the links section. If the
links section is not working yet, check the Yahoo! Club to find links to our Excite, Delphi and Private boards.
by Matt Treyborne
Another quick update. Site still under
heavy construction. I've just uploaded these pages: corporate.htm, contact.htm,
mission.htm... I haven't linked them up yet. Next time you log in, it should be done. If not,
blame freeservers, not us: there have been a few problems with their server recently; a few times it
has been so slow as to make working impossible; other times there's just been a message saying
"server too busy - try again later". Tom Kent is working to get the links page done, it should
be up and running shortly. Bear with us. We're working as fast as we can.
by Thomas Kent-Advocate, WDC
The links site is up. A few bugs have been fixed, and things are running right on schedule. Also, Matt still insists on calling me Tom. |
Another update...
by Matt Treyborne
Sorry Thomas, (about the name) it will not happen again. I've uploaded this archive section, so that the main page does not get bogged down with these updates. All but the newest and/or most important news items will be transfered here. This page still needs a lot of work, because it looks too much like the front page. I'll work on it when I have the time. |
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