WDC:mission statement
World Domination Corporation(TM)

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"Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration."
- Thomas Edison

mission statement

Since we came into being, early in Febuary 2000, the World Domination Corporation(TM) has dedicated itself to the task of bringing about our defining policy of World Unification under a single Global Governing Structure. Our reasons for this are clear: an end to war, global instability, famine, and pollution. A position of World Unification will give us, as a planet, an excellent platform from which to implement changes such as:

-Food and resources for all.
-Free, top-quality education for all.
-Massive funding for science and technology, for the advancement of our species.
-A permanent termination of the wasteful process we know as war.
-A drastic reduction of crime.
-An end to poverty.

Our current rate of success is limited, because we are still in our very early stages of formation into what will eventually become the most powerful organisation on the planet. However, the projects that we have in mind for the not-so-distant-future include:

-Infiltration of globally influential structures (governmental, military and security agencies).
-The aquisition of funds, for use in gaining gradual control of the world economy.
-The use of economic influence to engineer changes in the political arena.
-The gathering of power, allowing us to directly translate our plans into action.

As long as we, as an organisation, exist, we shall continue to strive for a better world; a world we know is possible if only we can get enough backing from people like yourself. Start supporting us today, and become a part of our future success. If you are thinking about becoming an employee of WDC(TM), you are strongly advised to do so. All employees will be have the opportunity to reach a highly esteemed position of power within our organisation. Remember, these are the very early stages of our existence, so anything is possible for those enthusiastic enough this grab the chance of a lifetime. There is real wealth here for the taking. It is up to you, and us, to take it in both hands. Make the decision today. Join the winning team.

World Domination Corporation: Moulding the shape of the 21st Century.

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